The objectives are to be achieved through the development of a new battery system.

These include:

  • A compact and safe battery system based on high energy density cells and a lightweight, shock-resistant housing
  • A versatile battery management system that ensures optimal performance and safety over the entire life of the system
  • High-precision state estimators that enable fast charging, increase range and service life and guarantee ultimate safety and diagnostics
  • An innovative thermal management system that ensures safety and prevents damage to the battery during fast charging.


  • Upgrading EV battery performance, safety and lifetime
  • Achieving a range of at least 500 km on a fully charged battery pack
  • Halve charging times
  • Long battery lifetime of over 300,000 km for first life
  • Ability to reuse the battery pack for second life applications and sustainability over the battery pack’s entire life cycle
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
programme under grant agreement No 963522.

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