
How Our Expertise Forms the Industry of Tomorrow


Discover Our Applications

Rail: Passenger and Freight Transport

We have 20 years of experience in the rail sector and offer solutions in simulation methods and tools in the areas of Vehicle-Track-Interaction, Vehicle Dynamics & Operations Analyses, Monitoring & Diagnosis and Digital Twin Networks.

Rail dark blue glitter

Vehicle & Road Safety

Since 2004, VIRTUAL VEHICLE has been actively contributing to road safety through research on improved crash structures, passive safety systems, and automated driving technologies. Focus areas include battery technology, occupant safety, VRU protection and connection technology.


E-Mobility & Infrastructure

Since 2007, VIRTUAL VEHICLE has been dedicated to Sustainable Vehicle Technology, enhancing the success of e-mobility. We provide solutions for optimized energy management, efficient power electronics, and innovative charging technologies.

Green Digital Mobility

Cooperative, Networked, Automated Mobiltiy

Our research fields in the area of autonomous driving include lidar sensor technology, car-2-car communication and vehicle-infrastructure communication. We are also proud of our self-driving cars. we have developed algorithms and “Embedded Intelligence” to test various functions of autonomous driving.

networked car on the road




In diesem Projekt wurde die Verwendbarkeit von Second-Life-Batterien für die stationäre Speicherung untersucht. Wir entwickelten ein Design-Tool zur Auswahl geeigneter Batteriezellen oder -module auf der Grundlage von Alterungsmechanismen.

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This project focuses on the simulation framework for particle-gas flow inside a battery pack. ​

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LIghtweight Battery System for Extended Range at Improved SafeTY

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In this project, track irregularity measurements are analysed to develop a methodology able to identify CT and detect it at an early stage.

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In this project, an alternative approach for the improved simulation of crack propagation by continuous element elimination is pursued.

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Future car


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